Local Housing Challenges
February 8th, 5:30-6:30pm Public Forum, via ZOOM
This will be a panel presentation on Housing Challenges and Opportunities in Northern Michigan. Experts in local housing issues will provide information about housing needs, affordable housing challenges, projects to help solve the housing problem.
Women History Presentation and Discussion
March 8th, 5:30-6:30pm. Public Forum, via ZOOM
This event is planned by our new Equal Rights Advocacy working group and will focus on Women’s Right in recent history using story telling.
Annual Book Read Discussion
April 12th, 7:00-8:30pm, via ZOOM
Access to Women’s Health Care in Northern Michigan: Challenges and Resources
April 24th, 7:00-8:30pm
The Health Care committee will host this in-person event at the Carnegie Building in Petoskey. An expert panel of local Women’s Health providers will provide information about women’s health services available and those not available in our community, and identify challenges local women face in accessing these health care services. This presentation is in partnership with Friends of the Library.
Arbor Day Activities
April 23-29th
Arbor Day is marked by the planting of trees and learning about the importance of trees in our natural world. The focus will be on engaging the public in select activities while educating about the many benefits of trees to our climate, our environment and our quality of life in local communities. Contact Ann Scott or Marcia Meyer.
Rain Garden: Benefits and Design
May 10th, 5:30-6:30pm, via ZOOM
The Environment and Natural Resources Committees will host a panel of content experts from the community on Native plants and Rain Garden design. If you are interested and want to get a head start on learning more, we recommend picking up or downloading a copy of the Homeowner’s guide “How to Plant a Rain Garden” from the Tip of the Mitt @ 426 Bay St in Petoskey.
Rain Garden Tour in Petoskey
June, 2023
The Environment and Natural Resources Committee will send information to members in early summer that allows you to do your own self-guided Rain Garden tour of some beautiful home and business rain gardens in Petoskey. You just might be inspired to consider how a rain garden could benefit your own landscape!